Council for Working Women

Council for Working Women
Diane DeVries
Alpha Media USA, Account Executive
I sell digital and radio advertising to local businesses. The best part is seeing the advertising work, and the business growing, clients becoming ...
Escortina Ervin
Joliet Junior College, Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Compliance
Emily Claffy
RISE Cannabis Dispensaries, Retail Marketing Manager
Shannon Brown
University of St. Francis, College of Academics & Health Admin
Linda Taglia
ACB Mortgage, Director of Mortgage Lending
Stacy Beeson
Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group, Real Estate Agent
Contributing to our community is one of my favorite things to do. I am born and raised in Joliet, and familiar with all the surrounding areas for m...
Michelle Sebasco
Governors State University, Director, Academic Partnerships and Community Education
Kelly Kuyawa
Ascension Saint Joseph, Volunteer & Patient Service Coord.
I started working as the Volunteer and Patient Services Coordinator for Ascension Saint Joseph Joliet in February 2022. I attended Southern Illinoi...
Tina Bauman
Express Med Spa, event and business coordinator
Julie Jacovec
Constellation, Human Resources Director
Renee' Bickett
Governors State University, Manager, Program Marketing and Outreach
Kelly Romstedt
Arkas Restaurant Group, Event Coordinator (Renaissance Center)
Katie Zaban
Joliet Park District, Pilcher Park Nature Center Superintendent