2021 Webinar: Anti-Sexual Harassment Training
Anti-Sexual Harassment Training
All Illinois employers must provide sexual harassment prevention training by December 31, 2021 and annually thereafter. To help members meet this requirement, the Joliet Chamber along with Lorien Schoenstedt from Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol, LLC., invite all to purchase and share this video training with their employees.
- Meets Illinois State Requirements for non-bar/restaurant industry
- Under the Illinois Human Rights Act, Illinois employers must complete the training by December 31, 2021
- Employers who do not comply could be fined civil penalties based on the size of the employer
- Registration pricing based on company/organization, not individual.

Date and Time
Monday Dec 6, 2021 Friday Dec 31, 2021
Ongoing through December 31, 2021
Please check your registration confirmation email for video link information.
The video is hosted on the Chamber YouTube page. Please note that in a few instances, there are references to Chamber President or Chamber Board for reporting issues. Please make sure you address with your staff that these will obviously be different in your organization.
$25.00 per company/organization (Chamber Member pricing)
$50.00 per company/organization (non-member pricing)
Registration is required to receive video link.
Contact Information
Mike Paone
Send Email